Matteo Stefanini, Riccardo Lancellotti, Lorenzo Baraldi, Simone Calderara
Proceeding of the International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science 2019
March 2019

Cloud computing data centers are growing in size and complexity to the point where monitoring and management of the infrastructure become a challenge due to scalability issues. A possible approach to cope with the size of such data centers is to identify VMs exhibiting a similar behavior. Existing literature demonstrated that clustering together VMs that show a similar behavior may improve the scalability of both monitoring and management of a data center. However, available techniques suffer from a trade-off between accuracy and time to achieve this result. Throughout this paper we propose a different approach where, instead of an unsupervised clustering, we rely on classifiers based on deep learning techniques to assign a newly deployed VMs to a cluster of already-known VMs. The two proposed classifiers, namely DeepConv and DeepFFT use a convolution neural network and (in the latter model) exploits Fast Fourier Transform to classify the VMs. Our proposal is validated using a set of traces describing the behavior of VMs from a real cloud data center. The experiments compare our proposal with state-of-the-art solutions available in literature, demonstrating that our proposal achieve better performance. Furthermore, we show that our solution is significantly faster than the alternatives as it can produce a perfect classification even with just a few samples of data, making our proposal viable also to classify on-demand VMs that are characterized by a short life span.
Type: Conference Paper
Publication: International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science 2019
Full Paper: link pdf
Please cite with the following BibTeX:
title={A Deep Learning based approach to VM behavior identification in cloud systems},
author={Stefanini, Matteo and Lancellotti, Riccardo and Baraldi, Lorenzo and Calderara, Simone},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1903.01930},